Election 2008 : The Republican Presidential Candidates
-The author of this list is a Democrat. He does not claim to be neutral. The focus of this list, however, is accurately assessing the electoral prospects of each candidate, not advocating a certain point of view. It should be of use to people of all political beliefs.
For the first time in a long time the incumbent party has neither a President nor a Vice-President as a possibility for the next nomination. This should prove to be a bruising fight, all the more so because the overconfident Republicans will probably try to overreach and favour ideological candidates over electable candidates. Arlen Specter's primary battle in 2004 is a sign of things to come. Hopefully whoever emerges will be weakly staggering to a resounding general election defeat.
The Bushites
Sen. Bill Frist- I sure hope Bill Frist gets nominated. This guy comes off as just plain creepy on TV and lacks any semblance of substance aside from being a "team player". Republicans would be wise to reject Frist, and no doubt they will. Frist is stepping down from the senate in 2006, and its looking like he has his eye in the prize. Good luck Bill.
Will Run: 3 Win Primary: 2 Win General: 2 VP Pick:2
Gov. Jeb Bush- If George W. Bush won the presidency based on his last name, his brother Jeb will lose his chance at the presidency for the same reason. A charismatic, popular governor from the largest swing state of all should be a favorite for the nomination. Fortunately, three Bushes in four presidents is a little much, even for Republicans. Jeb will most likely save himself the embarrassment and continue governing one of the largest states in the union.
Will Run: 1 Win Primary: 2 Win General: 2 VP Pick: 1
Gov. Bill Owens- The Governor of Colorado has been widely viewed as a success, and his term conveniently expires in 2007. His positions are close to Bush's, pro-business and hugging the Christian Right, but not too tightly. He is better positioned than anyone on the hard right to "fake" a move to the center, as Bush did in 2000. He seems to have every intention of entering the race.
Will Run: 4 Win Primary: 3 Win General: 3 VP Pick: 4
Rudy Giuliani- The well known former mayor of
Will Run: 4 Win Primary: 2 Win General: 2 VP Pick: 4
Condoleezza Rice- The Secretary of State offers Republicans with a tempting situation to appeal to minorities and women. Nominating a black woman, however, to head a party whose voters are disproportionately white men would be a dangerous strategy, especially if the Democrats nominate a Southern man, as appears likely. Although the Republican party is less overtly racist than it was in Nixon's day, the "Southern Strategy" of appealing to Southern whites disenchanted with the Democrats' civil rights program, still makes up a huge part of its electoral map. It is unlikely that Republican primary voters, particularly in South Carolina, would accept a black woman. Ms. Rice has other disadvantages, particularly the fact that she has never held elective office and spent most of her career in academia. The fact that she was National Security Advisor at the time of the terrorist attacks doesn’t help either. Ms. Rice is a smart woman and knows she doesn’t stand a chance. She'll stay out of politics in 2008.
Will Run: 1 Win Primary: 2 Win General: 3 VP Pick: 2
Sen. John McCain- John McCain's 2000 campaign was destroyed by Karl Rove's dirty tricks in
Will Run: 4 Win Primary: 4 Win General: 4 VP Pick: 0
Gov. George Pataki- This New York Governor looked like a contender until he started being upstaged at home by his own Attorney General. Pataki will likely step aside in 2006 and save himself the embarrassment of loosing to Elliot Spitzer. Having to avoid reelection in his own state is no way to start a campaign for the presidency. He likely wouldn't survive the socially conservative litmus test anyway, and would probably loose his own state in a general election.
Will Run: 2 Win Primary: 2 Win General: 2 VP Pick: 2
Sen. Chuck Hagel- The Nebraska Senator is a bit of a McCain style moderate, and has a chance in 2008. He seems acceptable to the hard right, and not too objectionable to centrists. The adjective used to describe him is usually "internationalist", meaning he is both experienced in foreign affairs and has a sensible opinion on it. A nice change of pace from Bush, but the role of centrist maverick candidate is already filled by Sen. McCain.
Will Run: 3 Win Primary: 3 Win General: 3 VP Pick: 4
Gov. Mitt Romney- This Massachusetts governor may be an appealing candidate in 2008. He is a relatively moderate governor who still has managed to gain credibility with the Christian Right because of his Mormon faith. In what may be seen as a prelude to a primary contest, Romney seems eager to fight Democrats in Massachusetts on stem cell research. Romney, however, is very likely to loose his own state in 2008 and it is unclear if the Southern and Western states that form the backbone of the Republican electoral map would prefer a New Englander over someone from closer to home. Much of Bush's success in the South is due to his contrived accent and interest in hunting. Romney seems unlikely to repeat Mr. Bush's New Englander to Southerner transformation. Hasn't attracted much attention, but his unpopularity at home means he'll probably risk all the marbles and go for it in 2008.
Will Run: 4 Win Primary: 2 Win General: 2 VP Pick: 3
The New Goldwaters
Newt Gingrich-My favorite scenario for 08 has the Republicans nominating a completely unelectable wackjob because the Christian Right axis wants to make a stand on "principle". A candidate who takes the jolly Texan mask off of the heartless ideology of the Republicans, and expose it for what it really is. No candidate can fit that bill better than Newt Gingrich. The disgraced former Speaker of the House (who resigned as speaker after revealing that during all those years of trying to impeach President Clinton for having an affair, he too was having one) still has enough cult appeal amongst certain elements of the Republican Party to be a contender. He will surely fail in his quest for the Presidency, as he failed to bring down
Will Run: 3 Win Primary: 3 Win General: 1 VP Pick: 2
Sen. Tom Coburn- The man who was once so worried about the rampant outbreak of lesbianism in a rural Okalahoma county that he advised teachers to send little girls to the bathroom "one at a time" gives no indication that he is interested in a run for the Presidency. The man seems to have a strange sense of public mission in
Will Run: 2 Win Primary: 2 Win General: 1 VP Pick: 1
Sen. Rick Santorum- This Pennsylvania Senator is number two on my "how in the hell did he get elected?" list, Tom Coburn being number one. Unlike Coburn, Santorum faces reelection between now and '08. I have a hard time believing that a state that has voted for Gore and Kerry and whose Republican voters supported the liberal Arlen Specter in 2004 will reelect the most comically conservative man in congress since Gingrich himself. (Republicans are worried too. Santorum was strategically placed directly behind GW Bush at the inauguration)His job should be Ed Randell's for the taking, and probably anyone else's for that matter. His loss in '06 should stop any presidential ambitions in their tracks. Pity. Santorum would loose the general election. However, even if he does squeak out a win in 2006 there are far more qualified candidates on the hard right to upstage him.
Will Run: 2 Win Primary: 2 Win General: 1 VP Pick: 2
Rep. Tom Tancredo- Anti-immigration advocate Tancredo perhaps has the greatest chance of destablizing the Republican primary. He champions an issue that is as dangerous as it is popular, immigration reform. The issue plays very well to the far-right republican primary voters, yet a cutthroat battle over immigration could easily make the Republican party seen xenophobic and archaic. Although unlikely to win, he could force the whole field to get into the messy issue of immigration reform, and tie the hands of the Republican winner by getting him to promise some sort of anti-immigrant action. That, combined with a Hispanic on the Democratic ticket, could swing Latinos.
Will Run: 3 Win Primary: 2 Win General: 2 VP Pick: 1
Bill O'Reilly- The conservative Fox News host has real power over huge swaths of
Will Run: 1 Win Primary: 2 Win General: 2 VP Pick: 1
How about Colin Powell?
I heard rumors that he might be a Republican candidate in 2008.
Not a shot. He squashed draft movements in '96 and 2000. His wife's condition and being the first viable black candidate will keep him out. I honestly do not think he has the stomach to be a presidential candidate. Think Ed O'Neill's character on the West Wing. Sure he has mass appeal, but once he goes through the vetting process like all the other do in the primaries, he'd get cut down a few notches. I don't think he wants it enough.
no offense, but I think you're a bit off the mark about what the "center" is in america right now. I think the trends in the past few elections have made it pretty apparent that the center is more in line with the views of the right than you seem to think.
It seems that PA Democrats have solidified behind State Treasurer Bob Casey Jr. to run against Santorum in '06. Rendell threw his support behind Casey (even though they have feuded in the past).
So far, PA Dems are showing an impressive amount of party discipline, and it seems like Casey (who is a pro-life Dem, like his father, who was Governor before Ridge) has a good shot at unseating Santorum.
As a New Yorker, I would like to say, that I pray to Heaven that George Pataki does not become our next President. Perhaps the second most corrupt politican behind Tom Delay in this country, his policies would make Dubya look like Einstein. With that said, I think a few people you should also watch for are Mike Huckabee, Orrin Hatch, Alan Keyes(again), Jon Kyl, and Kay Bailey Hutschison.
Good point about Huckabee. Never underestimate an Arkansas governor. Kay Bailey is running for Texas governor in 2006, so she's pretty much out. Orrin Hatch and Jon Kyl are interesting, both might be Supreme Court nominees.
Hutchison has promised not to run against Texas governor Rick Perry in his bid for reelection, which leaves her open for another senate tenure or possibly president.
As a truely Moderate Democrate who has only voted for two republicans my whole voting life, Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana and my district city council member, I firmly believe that there are some smart and resonable members of the Republican party that would do a better job at representing them than the Bush family has done. The only candidates from the Republican party that I would vote for would certainly be Senator McCain and Senator Chuck Hagel. But then again, I don't think that the Republican party would put two Senators on the ticket that have no real executive like experience (Governor or Mayor).
Also, has anybody from the Republican Party considered thinking of Senator Richard Lugar from Indiana. He has a formadable record in the Senate, and an executive background (Mayor of Indianapolis, Indiana before becoming a Senator). He is a good candidate, and I am sure that he would have a good chance at the nomination.
I can see clearly why Sen. McCain has no chance in 08. I live in AZ, and have heard him speak on severel occasions. He is an increadble individual who stands for the individuality and independant spirit that we need in politics. He is not dependent on party backing for his suport or his decision making. He would have made a remarkable presidency to this date from 2000 had he not been derailed by the type of backhandedness that is par for mainstream politics. He has served with increadible distincion and a strieght forward attatude and aproach. These fctors which we would say make him a good man, and a noble public servant, make him an easy target for snakes like the Bush political machine and the like. Being a democratic voter and facing the upcomming election I lament that I probably will not get to cross party lines like Sen. McCain has done countless times. He will not get the nomination I am afraid. I will then be forced to vote for the lesser of two evils - a wackjob on the right or an incompitant snake of a woman on the left.
CVA59: I was about 100 feet away when Senator McCains' plane was hit by a zuni rocket on July 29th 1967 aboard the USS Forrestal. Since then I have watched his political actions with interest. In this he has always impressed me, he won't hesitate to cross enemy lines in persuit of his beliefs. He has a tendency to follow the issue and do what is needed. I would have voted for him in 2000 and I would not hesitate in 2006. I am also a disabled veteran, and I know verterans would be a very close issue to his heart. He is one that would do something about Veteran Benifits and not just give out lip service saying what they think others want to hear.
i would like to quote you from under rudy giuliani:
"The Republican notion of "principles" (meaning bashing gays and teenage mothers)"
that is complete bullshit. republicans don't bash gays and teen mothers, they just try to preserve the goodness and moral values that this country should stand for. we are simply trying to keep our country good and wholesome. now i am in no means saying that gays ruin america. i have no problems with homosexuals. i do, however have an issue with them from engaging in the sactity of marriage. give them all of the benifits of a married couple, just don't let it water down marriage for the people marriage was meant to be for. as far as abortion goes, i know that this is a democrat blog, and democrats are all about giving people rights. well you are quick to say abortion is infringing on a womans rights, well all i'd like to say is what about that poor defenseless baby's rights. who is going to be its voice. whatever happened to the principle of having to take the concequences of one's actions? do democrats feel that they don't have to deal with the consequences, instead taking the easy way out? now i know what the first thing you might say to the whole consequence thing, "oh what if this girl was raped." well i would first like to point out that 99.9% of rapes do not end up with a conception. but in instance, i would first encourage the mother to seek other options, like adoption. but if she does not feel that she can go through with that,i could see the use of an abortion because she did not bring it upon herself, unlike the teen girl who knowingly engaged in sexual intercourse. if you choose to do something, you need to fallow through with the repracusions. if the mother could die because of the birth of a child, i see it fit that in order to save the mother an abortion can be used, because if the mother dies, the baby too most likly will die. well that is enough setting the record straight for me tonight.
godspeed, and please do not nominate hillary clinton
The man who crafted this discussion should rewrite the entire list, because if you leave out the reality that determines what people are thinking you might get closer to the truth. You, like many, but not all have left out the human quality about the U.S. The fact that there is a deepening ruined economic system, hell being uleashed by this administation... and possibly more if Cheney gets his nuclear engagement in Iran that he needs so desperately save face. Don't forget only 30% of the republican party are with this administration and they went lame faster than any other lame duck administration. I am a democrat, I campaigned more than almost anyone last year and I would tell you if there is a republican that would admit we are in a depression and ... I would vote for them for responding to something the democratic party has been frightened to. So rewrite the artile keeping in mind we exist in a country that is inhabited by human beings, and rapidly changing ones at that... having been involved in political organizing.
What about Samuel Brownback the senator from Kansas if he wins i think i'll actually move to Canada
I would first like to ask Bush haters, why do you hate Bush?
Is it because we are freeing a country of a dictatorship that was supporting terrorism that knocked down the twin towers? If you say oil you just have no logic because we have control of Iraq and there’s no oil coming here. To address the issue on oil, in the Gulf of Mexico there is billions of barrels of oil just waiting to be proceeded but democrats keep blocking the ability to drill there. You worried there might be an oil spill there? Well how about in the freezing snow of Alaska were the only animals there are only two animals in the vicinity of where the oil drilling will happen, caribou and the occasional bear. The democrats are blocking the oil drilling there too, so two simple solutions to the gas price are blocked by democrats. Every day that gas prices don’t drop the price on everything goes up that much more, so do me a favor and tells some you want to drill for are own oil.
If have the nerve to say he's ruining the economic system, how...? because he is standing up for who we are and not letting people push us around. Not to mention it was the terrorist that started the crash in the stock market, not bush, or that stocks jumped up when President Bush got elected. The exact opposite happened when the last two democratic presidents got elected. You have it donkey backwards if you say that democrats make the economy better because democrats are for the people and not the businesses. If you say he’s messing up on the hurricane disaster, he still has to provide helicopters to the rest of the coast line not just one spot, if a major disaster strikes doesn’t mean that everything that the Coast Guard stops and wait for them to get back. Also it is called a natural disaster or do you believe that he can summon storms? Now to get back on track, the money it costs to have the troops in Iraq is eventually going to get taxed and will make its why back into the governments hands it only matter of time that is needed not action. By the way, the armed forces don’t have to pay a tax for the government to get more taxes, someone has to be making the products that are sold. If you say the lives lost are too great then you are saying “I think that even though terrorist want to kill me and what I stand for, that it isn’t worth having people, who for money sign there lives to the government, and they are paid to Serve and Protect the United States of America. I say this because they might die even thought they have the chance to defend themselves unlike the victims of 911, that terrorist should not be stop before they even have the chance to enter America to do damage to property and American lives.”
Enough setting people straight for one day for me. Comments? Send them to CommunistMongrel@yahoo.com the names a joke for a video game I play, in the game your either a terrorist or a Counter-Terrorist and I’m normally Terrorist because I like their gun selection over the CT.
This is for the sheep that posted before me, I believe his name is Communist Mongrel. A typical right winger - "let's blame all the bad things on the Democrats." How are the democrats blocking the oil drilling in the gulf and in Alaska? The Republicans have the majority in the Senate and the House, 55 Repubican senators to 44 Democratic senators (one independent). Democrats are bad for buisness? Which of fundametalist parents regurgitated that notion? Or did they just do what most Republicans do and quote Fox news? Either way, I believe you are mistaken, wasn't it under Clinton that we had a booming economy? Democrats tend to stand for small buisnesses as opposed to that dictatorships known as "corporations". And by the way, I hope that you, Mr. Mongrel, are in the military, because if you aren't, you'd better join if you believe that strongly in hunting terrorists, I believe in it too (except Iraq), but come on, a slightly better coalition was needed to fight "terror". America and Britain cannot fight terrorism alone. Some have said we aren't fightong it alone, honestly, some countries have dropped out such as Spain and Poland, and others aren't sending a decent sized force, they're sending workers, which is good. Lets be honest, George W. Bush's expeience with foreign relations is going to the International House of Pancakes.
You mention Rudy Giuliani's lack of a base in the republican party itself and in terms of ideology generally. Though his chances emerging through a long General Election are debatable, is it not possible he may at least run as an independent? Moderate and non-registered support is most likely to break for him, despite the fact that a divisive democrat or repulican might benefit from the split vote that would occur (think of Ross Perot's challenge in 1992, often misintepreted as being rightist or libertarian, but it still allowed Clinton an overrated landslide).
In reference to anonymous poster up there, I quote
"Is it because we are freeing a country of a dictatorship that was supporting terrorism that knocked down the twin towers?"
George Bush himself, has stated, to the fact that Saddam Hussein had no involvement with the destruction of the twin towers, and links to Al Qaeda and Saddam are negligible, if at all existent. Before you write a large comment supporting your beliefs, I suggest that you do your homework. The vast majority of the Terrorists involved in the Twin Tower disaster were from Saudi Arabia.
Furthermore, it has been argued that the drop in the stock market was not because of President Bush, or the Twin Towers disaster, but was simply the natural flow of the market -- up and down. There was a long period of prosperity during the Clinton presidency, due to the blossoming of the computer age, dot coms, etc. Now, hundreds of dot com business have failed, and the stock market was on a natural downswing. I don't blame Bush, or Clinton. Blaming the president for the economic status of the country is a low-information cop-out. There are thousands of factors that go into our economic status!!
And lastly, we didn't invade Iraq to stop "terrorists" we invaded Iraq to stop "Saddam" from launching "Nuclear Missiles" at us. The extinguishment of terrorist cells was just an afterward "Hey, we didn't find WMDs(or maybe there were WMDs? Let's not argue that. No point in us doing so!) but we got rid of that evil Saddam and stopped those terrorists!" though, the war on terror is like the war on drugs: it can't be won. Period. You can never, ever make everyone in the world happy, just like you can never, ever stop everyone in the world from engaging in personally harmful activities like the abuse of drugs or alcohol. There are insane people in this world who want to cause horrible events, they do and always will exist.
Ich hasse President Bush. I think that man is a f*cking idiot. An actual monkey would do a better job at running the counrty than he does. I think that if his brother decides to run he will get demolished. Everyone more than dislikes him just for the stance that he took on the terry schaivo issue. What a pawn. How can we respect someone named Jeb anyway. 2008 is going to be the year of the Democrat! P.S. I love abortion
to the Thinker....yeah nice comment a**hole. Let the republicans screw everything up and let the Democrats come in and take the blame for all of the shit that GWB ruined while he was in office. i hope you walk out in front of a bus.
I found your analysis of potentional Republican candidates quite informative. But I did want to make one correction. Bill Clinton was never impeached for "having an affair". It was for lying under oath, in a sworn deposition. I think there is a difference.
One more point. I think you might be a little more careful of making fun of GW's poor gramma and syntax.
The last time I checked the word "lose" was not spelled "loose".
Anyone can make a mistake, including myself. However, I would hope it will make you a little more compassionate if "GW" tends to make a similar blunder.
Libertarian Larry
Furthermore, it has been argued that the drop in the stock market was not because of President Bush, or the Twin Towers disaster, but was simply the natural flow of the market -- up and down. There was a long period of prosperity during the Clinton presidency, due to the blossoming of the computer age, dot coms, etc. Now, hundreds of dot com business have failed, and the stock market was on a natural downswing. I don't blame Bush, or Clinton. Blaming the president for the economic status of the country is a low-information cop-out. There are thousands of factors that go into our economic status!!
It is so true people try to blame the pres. for the economic good times or bad times. For the most part it's out of his control. I'm sure some crazy left winger is going to find a way to blame bush for the hurricanes. Dems, here is your problem you don't have any ideas just complaints, and lets help the kids, rah rah education rah rah, If you spent a little time formulating a plan you would stand a chance. your party is lost and in need of someone to do a little thinking instead of just complaining. by the way great blog and it was very interesting to read. If anyone plays poker please vist http://www.pokerbonuscode.net
Is no one even considering Sen. George Allen of Virginia? He is seeking reelection in 2006, but to my understanding renamed his PAC to begin fundraising for a potential Presidential run.
I've always considered myself a middle of the road type when it comes to politics, but as the years go on I find myself leaning more towards Democrat, I have a friend of 15 years who is gay, and for whom I have much love and respect for. I think the comments that people (mostly republicans)make about the marital issue for Gay and lesbian citizens is completely rediculous, and holds no merit what so ever. If these people think that marriage is so "sacred" in this country, then why hasn't there been any fuss made over all the stupid reality shows on TV these days. "Who wants to marry a millionaire", "The Bachelor/Bachelorette", Who wants to marry a midget?". For Crying out loud, Are you really trying to tell me that straight people really hold marriage sacred? look at the divorce rates? There are thousands of "straight" people who get married in vegas, only having known eachother for a couple weeks or less, where on the other hand you have some gay/lesbian couples who have been in a committed relationship for multiple years. If you want to push this whole "sanctity of marriage" idea on everyone, then it better go both ways. Straight Couples, Same-Sex Couples,... have there be something passed saying you have to be in a relationship for at least a year before marriage, this would cut down on divorce, and would raise the "sanctity" as you say, of marriage. Quoting one of today's Popular Comedians, Chris Rock, on the topic of same sex marital rights, he says: "Gay people have the right to be just as miserable as the rest of us". I don't see any reason why our whole country
can't legalize gay marriage. If 2 people want to commit to eachother, whether their a straight couple or a gay couple, they should all get the same rights that surround this union. Why shouldn't a Gay Man beable to claim his partner for tax purposes, on health insurance, retirement benefits, pensions, etc...that person shares their life with someone, I beleive they are more than entitled. I think some of these die-hard Repub's against gay marriage, should take a look at the hypocrisy of the words coming out of their mouths. People need to get over themselves and worry about your own lives for a change, honestly, how is allowing gay marriage really going to affect you personally? Is it really any of your business or your right to decide who can and can not get married? How would you like it if all of the sudden they came out and said, I'm sorry, you are not allowed to get married because you have brown eyes...this is just as rediculous as that would be. It really isn't of any concern to anyone but the people who are committing to eachother, their friends and family.
I hardly think that McCain will get the nomination he is moving to far to the center or the left for the Republicans to ever give him that oppertunity.Beleive me this is coming from a Democrat.
Hey Dems, what about Barrack Obama (or whatever his name is)? I thought he was the next great thing in the Dem party? And also I know I for one, being a Rep. would NEVER vote for McCain. I am also more conservative than pretty much anyone else I know. But I would vote McCain over (Baby)-Killery Clinton
Oops, sorry nevermind the park about Obama
Wow anon15.. you're everywhere.. i thought you were just in PBIAA.
Where's Ron Paul?
Hello!?! Did you leave out Ron Paul on purpose?
Ron Paul is a candidate, most of the people you mentioned aren't. Was this done purposely?
How can you have a Presidential race blog and not have Ron Paul's name anywhere in it? That is blatantly bias. Blogs are good for one thing, to be a media equalizer, not act just like the media. You have failed miserably in being that which makes blogs an important part of the new America. What are afraid of? Your candidate might lose some support if you put a true American hero on your blog. What a joke.
Where's Ron Paul? He is an actual candidate unlike all those others you put up there. I take this blog about as serious as I do Pokemon.
WHERE'S Ron Paul????? He is an actual candidate!!!
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